Innovative ways to save on your power bill this winter with Electric Kiwi

As the winter weather sets in, canny Kiwis are looking for ways to save on their power bills over the cold season.
Everyone has their favourite power hack, from shorter showers to timers on heaters to the humble snakelike draught stopper. But probably the most effective thing to do is to switch power companies.
Electric Kiwi has another innovative way to save on your power bill with their Hour of Power.
The Hour of Power, which gives Electric Kiwi customers 60 minutes of off-peak power free every day, is particularly popular in winter and can be managed with the Electric Kiwi phone app.
"People get really creative about how they use their free hour," says Blincoe. "As winter sets in, families use it to get the house warm for when the kids get home from school, or get the tumble dryer roaring hot for an hour so they don’t have wet clothes on the line for days."
The biggest savings can be made by people who have not switched, says Luke. "A large percentage of people have never switched providers, and these people probably have the most to gain. We would encourage them to contact their current provider and ask if they are on the best rate, or better yet, they could just contact us."
Electric Kiwi is the fastest-growing power company in New Zealand and winner of the Deloitte Fast 50 award last year. They have worked out that if just 10% of Kiwis switched to them, the savings for this winter alone would be around $10 million.
Since it signed its first customers in December 2014, Electric Kiwi estimate that they have saved New Zealanders $15 million in total. And that number keeps going up as more customers sign up to the independent retailer.
"We’ve just reached 40,000 customers and we have no interest in slowing down. We want to save as many Kiwis as much as we can," says Electric Kiwi CEO Luke Blincoe.
"New Zealanders are actively looking for a better deal from their power providers, which is why we guarantee that our customers will save in their first year. Our offering is unique, with our free Hour of Power, no contracts and our award-winning digital service."